発熱の患者さまへ:Patients with fever
- 来院の際、必ずマスクを着用ください。
- 感染症対策のため、診察室を分けて診療を行っています。待ち時間が生じる場合がありますことをご了承ください。
- 保険証またはマイナンバーカードをお持ちください。
- 医師の判断で必要に応じて、新型コロナウイルス抗原検査などを行います。
- 診察室を分け、消毒や換気を徹底し院内感染予防に努めております。
The clinic offers tests for COVID-19, influenza and streptococci as required. It takes about 15 minutes.
If you have a sore throat, fever or other symptoms and would like to see a doctor, please call 03-3723-1525 to make an appointment first. We will coordinate the time of your visit.
Please make sure to wear a mask when you come to the clinic.
To prevent infection, we have separate consultation rooms. Please note that there may be some waiting time.
Please bring your insurance card or your number card.
Thank you for your understanding.